and I am very excited about that, so that's why I would like to offer some Blog candy.
The stamps that I will offer is to choose 2 brand new stamps of the new hänglar & stänglar set, since I know that many of you are not able to get your hands on them.
Please have a look at this web-site http://www.hanglar.com/index1.html and let me know your 2 favourites + why you like cardmaking so much. You find the new stamps under "Styckeförsäljning", "KP Höst och Vinter 2008".
Post this blog candy on your blog and link to your comment so that I easily will find you.
Then I will pick a winner next Saturday.
Hope this is to you're liking.
PS. I am working on some more new cards, but this week has been crazy at work - so not much time left for crafting....
Then I will pick a winner next Saturday.
Hope this is to you're liking.
PS. I am working on some more new cards, but this week has been crazy at work - so not much time left for crafting....
congratulations Anki, on reaching such a high amount of hits... wow what a generous and lovely blog candy to offer,
right then, well the answer to you question of why i like cardmaking so much is because, primarily because i want to be able to give cards that are unique and have been made with love and care...and what better way to do that than make them yourself..also i love to create things and i hate to be bored..I don't watch a lot of tv and like to keep busy.so with my card making i kill two birds with one stone so to speak...
the second question as to which are my favourite....well that is a difficult one..but to choose I guess that i would pick....mmmmmm
cykeltjej and cykelkille. hope that i have copied that right....lol..it's the little boy and the little girl on their bicycles..so cute.
thanks again anki for this fab opportunity..
is the link to your blog candy on my blog...I'll put it in the side bar as well so that it doesn't dissapear as i add my own posts..
hugs rach.xxx
What great blog candy. I started making cards to I can bring Joy to someone else's life.
The two stamps I love the most are
"hÄnglabyk" and "Trädgårdsflicka" I so wish their stamps were available in the US. I know Sugarnellies has talked about getting them so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Here is the link to my blog with your candy on it. http://creationsbywendalyn.blogspot.com/2008/09/ankis-blog-candy.html
Hi Anki,
WOW.. What a great Candy Blog. Congratulations in your entries. That's great!!!
Well, the answer to you question of why i like cardmaking so much is because actually save my life. :))(is a long story)Also I love to give handmade cards to my family and friends.
Regarding my favorites two from the new collection..Hmmm...This is sohard to answer but I think the two kids in the bicycle. They are so cute.
Congratulation and thank you for offering such sweet blog candy. I am crossing fingers here (hm - how does she type??)
Why do I love cardmaking so much .... well A) when going into a craft shop for tape but leaving with 100 wonderful things I DIDN'T need (lol) B) my desk looking like a war-zone cos I was looking for that PERFECT embellishment C) spending time assembling the right elements and putting them together and D) The best thing is watching people open the envelop and seeing their happy faces when they realise that you created a card JUST for them.
My favorite Hanglar - hm, very difficult but will have to say "Cykeltjej" and "Cykelkille" - so cute.
I have left a link to you blog on mine http://danishstamper.blogspot.com
Hugs, Mette (UK)
Hi Anki! This is my first visit to your beautiful blog and I'm really impressed with your creations! Congratulations on reaching so many hits!
I just recently started making cards so I'am a complete amateur (my cards are still nothing special). But, I know that I won't stop making them, because I enjoy spending time working on them!
Thanks for a chance to win such a great blog candy!
My favourite's are Cykeltjej and Cykelkille!
Here's the link on my blog.
Have a great day!
although I don´t have a blog where I can add your blog candy I want to congratulate you an your 1000 hits - what a big number that is -
I love card making because it is a special and very personal way for me to show others how much I care about them - and I just love working with paper and always loved coloring ( since I was a child :o) ) and with stamping and card making I can combine both
My two favorite new Hänglar stamps would be the two you display in your post
And maybe ( although I don`t have a blog ) I might be lucky and could win the stamps ? I would be very thankful to get a chance :o)
Congrats on the hits! What an awesome blog candy, I love those adorable stamps and have always wanted some, thank you for the opportunity! My link: http://tropicaldreams-17.blogspot.com/
I love to create and share that with others, to me, it's always a special treat to get something handmade by someone.
My two favorites, oh my gosh, I love them all! But if I had to choose I'd probably pick Sittande tjej and hÄngla med halsduk.
WoW, kan næsten ikke tro det! Altså at man kunne være heldig og vinde et Hängler stempel, det ønsker jeg mig så meget:0)
Jeg elsker og lave kort og ikke mindst og farvelægge stempler, og jeg er helt sikker på, at det er en hobby jeg ALDRIG bliver træt af;0)
Tillykke med det flotte besøgstal
Jeg er rigtig vild med Flicka med flätor og "hÄnglabyk", men der er ikke noger jeg ikke kan lide, de er allesammen dejlige;0)
Congrats on getting so many hits and having such a great blog.
These stamps are unavailable in Australia and I would LOVE an opportunity to win some. They are all gorgeous but the the two stamps I like most are: hÄngla på moln and hÄngla med halsduk
I have posted a link to you on my blog and I'll be back to keep an eye on your blog
Congratuliations for your hits!
Thank you so much for the chance to win these great stamps.
I love hänglars...:-)
Unfortunately it is so hard to get them in Germany.
2 of my favorites are the Posttjej and an old stamp, holding a cute rabbit (i don´t know the name).
I really love to make cards because i like to be creativ and be inspired from cardmaker from all over the world.
It is very exciting to see which style is favorite in the different countries.
I really hope you understand my english :-)
I link your blog candy on mine here.
Greetings from Germany
congratulations on 1,000 hits, I love all the Hanglar stamps they are just so cute, my favourites are cykeltjej and cykelkille, the little girl and boy on bike. I love making cards, and seeing people faces when they open they, everyone is made with love and are individual. I have put a link about your candy on my blog Jill x
congrats on you 1000 hits, I would love to have any hAnglar stamps and don't mind, just wish we could get them here in the UK. I've always been crafty and when arthritis meant a change in which craft I could do, Cardmaking was the one I choose a small piece of art which I could be proud of.
congrats on so many hits:) cute blog, lovely candy, I fell in love with Hanglar stamps, but don't have any yet, I like Blomstertjej and hÄngla med halsduk
here is my blog http://doris86place.blogspot.com/2008/09/cute-blog-candy_25.html
Congrats on all the hits!!!!!
It's cruel to not be able to purchase these when you live in the U.S. These are the sweetest images and I adore them!!!! I don't have a blog, but just wanted to see these cuties!!!!
YAY for you on 1000 hits !!
I love card making because in the short amount of crafting time I have, I can feel satisfied that I have achieved something by making a beautiful work of art. I also love that the list of mediums I can use in card making is endless.
I love all the stamps in the set, but the two I think I would use the most are hÄngla med halsduk and Hjärtelapp.
My referal post is here : http://elcinto.blogspot.com/2008/09/i-found-link-on-my-friend-ginnys-blog.html
Thanks !
Cindy, Australia
Wauw, that's a great candy to give away. Those stamps are so nice and hard to get your hands on. Love to win this candy, who wouldn't?? :) lol..I wrote about your candy on my blog, you can see it here. http://rosalien-cardfun.blogspot.com/
Well about my favorite stamps, it's hard to choose, but I think Cykeltjej and Cykelkille are verry cute.After many stamps where they only sit or stand it is nice to see some verry active persons like riding a bycicle.Good luck everyone.
Congratulations on your 1000 hits!
I don't have a blog where to link to, but I'll try my luck anyway, because you offer such a fine candy.Thank you for that :)
Hänglar are much liked here in Finland, but not easy to get.
In the new collection my favorites are the cykelkille and höstflicka.
I love making cards, becaude I've always liked pretty pictures and papers and colours have an important role in my life.
It's great to be able to vary them in different times of the year and according to your own or other peoples mood.
And of course I want to give a card, which is handmade to show my appriciation to the receiver.
I'll check yor blog again on Sunday to check who won the candy.
(I like to visit your blog otherwise, too :)
Congratulations on all your hits.
This is a fab blog candy - but to only choose 2 stamps as they are all so yummy. I think my faves at the mo are Sittande tjej and Hangla med halsduk. But in half an hour who knows!!
Why do I like cardmaking - I like being creative (but can't draw/paint), love collecting ribbons and lovely papers, and like to be able to give family and friends personalised cards and gifts. I find it relaxing and a great thing to do with my 2 little girls too, so we all card make together.
I have got everything I can possible cross crossed as I would LOVE a couple of H & S stamps.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Cathy xx
Congratulations on all the many hits! Why I enjoy making cards~creating cards with my son brings back many memories I have of scrapbooking with my mother. She made scrapbooks of poems and encouragement for mothers and sick people! All of her scrapbooks were typed up on a punch typewriter! No beautiful fonts like we can do with our computers these days! Our embellishments were from wallpaper books, stickers, old store boughten cards, and magazine pictures! She would have loved all we have available today but she passed away from cancer when I was 19! I miss her! I did Creative Memories 12 years ago and after not scrapbooking for many years because of family health issues; to get back into it again is awesome!
The stamps I like-since I can't read their website I am not sure which is the newest set! So please bear with me as I will tell you which I like of what I see!Flicka på sniskan and Pojke på sniskan are so cute and I can think up all kinds of creative ways to use them!
Forgot to mention that I linked to you on my blog here...http://tinajewelscreations.blogspot.com/2008/09/september-25th-giveaways.html
wow, nice candy! i don`t have any hänglars so far, would love to have some^^
i like the two with the bycicles, they are adorable!
and i love making cards, cuz i really like to work with my hands, and use my creativity. and you can bring joy to people by sending them a handmade card, thats nice!
link is on my blog!
You are so generous Anki and this is my reason:
It gives me that little bit of me time.. where I can switch off from everyday stresses that go with keeping home/work/kids etc
and the bestest thing is all the comments given by likeminded people who appreciate the time and efforts made.
Going to place the link right now..
Marlene xxx
Truly brilliant stamps!The ones that catch my eye are Cykeltjej KP9607, Cykelkille KP9608. (Boy and girl on bikes). I love crafting so much as i am unable to sit down with nothing to do (I always have to be doing something creative with my hands).If crafting continues to bring smiles to my loved ones faces, then i shall continue creating. Good luck everyone! Link and post is on my blog.
what a wonderful candy thank you for the chance hugs maria
The two I love most are the two bycicle ones....since I am from the bike-riding nation of Holland I love them!!
Card making I like, because it's a great way of having a short project (I also scrapbook)to make, using my paper scraps and I love to color stamped images!
I put a link on my blog!
Way to go girl. Congrats on the hits. I have posted your blog candy on my blog dear.
WTG... Congrats on the Hits. I have posted your Blog on mine.. Love your Creations..
Thanks so much Anki for the chance at getting some of these!! You are better than Santa (LOL)!! I love cardmaking because it provides me with a creative outlet in a relatively short time!! I don't have much of it but it keeps me busy so I don't get bored!! Love to see my end result!!
They are all stinkin' cute and I wouldn't mind having amy of them!!! (But I do LOVE that little boy on the bike _too cute..) Thanks so much for reminding me twice ~ you are too sweet!! Congrats on your hits and many more...
Thanks again :)Kathy
Here's my link:
Congratulations on you 1000 hits and thanks for offering such amazing candy...I make cards after the kids have gone to bed as it gives me a chance to relax and do something just for me. I like the satifaction of creating something that someone else will hopefully treasure and appreciate the love that goes with it. It also gives me the chance to colour, which is something I've always enjoyed and the blog has given me the opportunity to 'meet' some really special people (as I'm sure you have too) that I would never have been able to otherwise
Those hAngler babies are sooo cute, but if I have to choose a fav, I pick 'cycelkille' and 'hangla med halsduk'
Again, thanks for a chance to win
lv Gill x
Congratulations Anki on a phenomenal number of hits. As you know, I love your creations. Apart from those 2 gorgeous ones you are offering, I think my favorites are hAngla pa moin, and Fjarilslarva. I so wish I was able to buy them. I just have to gaze on them on others' blogs! LOL! The reason I love card-making is that it is a lot like scrapbooking (which I have been doing for years) in that you are creating with gorgeous papers etc but I love the coloring of the images and the relatively quick results that can then be sent out and make someone's day brighter! Thanks again and I have so hoping that I am the lucky one!!! Hugs Jeanette
Me again!!! I posted a link on my blog as well! Here.
Well done on having 1000 hits. I love all the Hanglar Stanglar stamps, but my favourites would have to be cykeltjej and cykelkille (little boy and little girl on bike).
I have a passion for making cards it allows me to be myself and escape from my life for a short while as mum, wife and mimi. I love seeing the expression on someones face when they open one of the cards I've made for them and they adore it. Each one is made with love and has a little bit of me.
You are linked on my blog on the right hand side. Jillix
Well done on having 1000 hits. I love all the Hanglar Stanglar stamps, but my favourites would have to be cykeltjej and cykelkille (little boy and little girl on bike).
I have a passion for making cards it allows me to be myself and escape from my life for a short while as mum, wife and mimi. I love seeing the expression on someones face when they open one of the cards I've made for them and they adore it. Each one is made with love and has a little bit of me.
You are linked on my blog on the right hand side. Jillix
I can't pick just two faves ~ I love them all!
Hmmmm, the cardmaking question is a tricky one ~ maybe it's just because I can shut myself in my craft room & tell everyone I'm far too busy to do the housework!
Hugs, Leann x
Congratulations on reaching 1000 hits Anki. You have a lovely blog which I will visit as often as possible.
I am going to enter your blog candy competition as I would LOVE to get even ONE H&S stamp!
(They can't come to the UK quick enough for me)!
My two cutest H&S stamps are....
"hÄnglabyk" & hÄngla med tråd.
I love cardmaking because it lets me create something that gives pleasure to me in the making, and pleasure to the person receiving it. HERE is my link.
Viv xx
Congrats on your MANY hits to your blog! What a major accomplishment! And VERY NICE candy you are giving away! I do not have any Hanglars and would LOVE to add some to my collection! The two that I really like are Höstpojke and hÄngla på moln! I really enjoy card making because of all the love that goes into making a card for that special someone, and to see the joy in that person's face when they open the card is just amazing!
I have linked your blog candy on my blog here.
Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs~ Kim
aww congrats on 1000 hits!! Bet your really happy about it!!
My fave 2 stamps have 2 b the one of the boy on the moon dangling a star but I honestly cant pick another fave as theyre all great.
I enjoy cardmaking as I have been arty ever since I was little andI love colouring and painting, making stamping my favorite aspect. It also is great time to think as I find my thoughts just run away with me! lol
I will post a post (lol) on my blog about your candy.
Happy crafting!!
Congrats, Anki, on reaching 1000 hits!!!!!
Well, I love cardmaking just for the creative out let that it provides. I originally started out scrapbooking and still do and love it! I started making cards cuz I fell in love with adorable little stamps and needed a way to use them. To me cards are like miniature scrapbooking pages and the "stamped image" is the focal point just like the photos are the focal point on a scrapbooking page.
I hate to admit it but I am not so good at actually giving the cards to people. I just love making them!!!
My 2 favourite Hangler stamps are the hAngel pa Moln boy and girl...they are so sweet sitting on clouds, I think...hard to see! But they are all so sweet!
Thanks for offering up such fabulous blog candy and being such a great inspiration!!!
I can't pick a favorite, because I want them all. I have tried so hard to get some, even just some images with no luck. I even had a Swedish friend who lives where I do try to get me some. I love to make cards because I like to create and use lots of colors!
Congrats on all of your hits. I would totally love to win your blog candy because we cannot get Hanglar Stanglar stamps in the US and I just love them. Just browsing through their catalog I like the boy and girl dressed up as bees.
My love for cardmaking is fairly new. I have been home trying to recover from injuries that are preventing me from working at this time. Unfortunately it appears I will never walk right again but I have found a new joy in making cards. It is a nice escape where I can just enjoy all of the colors and textures and not think about other things. It is my own little piece of the world right now and I love it.
I am going to go post a link to your blog right now and you can check it at www.cheribella.wordpress.com
Also, while you are there you might want to check out my blog candy that is going on right now too. It ends this Saturday so please take the time to enter.
Congratulations on all the visits, it's most deserved.
I've been making cards for some 13 years, couldnt tell you why just 1 reason why I love it I just do. I'm fairly new to stamping, it's taken all this time and tilda/sugar nellie/hAnglar & stAngler images to convince me it's fun. I love trying new techniques & styles.
Hard to pick 2 stamps as favourites, I think hÄngla med halsduk kp9606 is really sweet and brudpar 2 are just adorable.
you have a lovely blog and a nice blog candy .
my favorites are hÄngla med halsduk
and Höstflicka
i put a link on my blog , thanks for the chance .
best regards , bernd
Hi Anki,
Thank you for offering such great blogcandy! I love Cykeltjej and Cykelkille most even it was a difficult choise!! And why I love cardmaking so much? Well, I started scrapbooking a couple of years ago but because I didn't got (sad enough) children, I was not sure who I was scrapooking for. So then one day one of my scrapbooking friends started whit cards (with funstamps) on her blog and I liked it so much that I started too. After the first card I made I was hooked and never scraped again!! And what I love too about cardmaking is that I make many people happy when I let them know with a handmade card that I care and think of them!
A large story...so now I'm going to put a link to your blog on mine.
XOXO Renata
Isn't it funny when you offer a reward you suddenly get all these complete strangers leaving comments on your blog. Congratulations on getting nearly to your 1000 hit, I can only dream of that achievement!!
Happy crafting to everyone, now where is that bucket!
Hi Anke, congratulations on so many hits to your blog.
Thank you for this wonderful chance to win these fab H&S stamps, what a hard choice, but think my favourites are the little boy and girl on the bicycles, my eldest has just learnt to ride without her stabalizers and so many of her friends do to, so these would be perfect for their cards!
Why do I enjoy making cards? I enjoy all things crafty I find it relaxing. You get to make cards that are unique and unless you make a whole batch of the same design that's it 1 of a kind! I also enjoy the lovely comments that I receive when I have given someone a handmade card/gift.
Best wishes
Joanne x
Hi, Anki! First I´d like to congratulate you for your 1000 hit. I love card making because it makes me think a different direction. There is so much going on in our lives, that I need something to make my mind forget everything else that is going on and let me daydream a bit. That way I relax and think colors. :)I just started my own blog and I discovered all this wonderful creations of other card makers that I can draw inspiration from. I posted your candy on my blog, you can find it here: http://bolhin-svet.blogspot.com/2008/09/michelles-blog-candy.html
Have fun, Natasha.
Wow congratulations hun I card make to keep myself sane Anki, as i care for my daughter whom is 28 and handicapped so I use it as an escape for a few hours. have put a link in my blog.
Hi Anki congrats on all the hits I haven't used these stamps before so would love to have the chance to win these two very cute ones. Very hard to choose my favouite from the website but think I like Sittande tjej sitting on the little stall and I really like cykeltjej the little girl on the bike. Thanks for the chance to win I have put a link on the side of my blog.
Hi Anki - I'm glad to have found your blog - Great work!
I don't have any H&S and even found the site hard to get around! I think my favourites are Blomstertjej and the boy on his bike, which I saw on their blog but I don't know the name of. I have been card-making since I was young when I used to do it with my mom: It is the only time I feel I can be artistic and I love other people enjoying what I have made.
I put a link on the right of my blog
Hello Anki!
Firstly i want to congratulate to you and secondly your blog is really pretty place to look :))
And lovely candy. I left a link to your blog on mine: http://princeska-crafty.blogspot.com/2008/09/blog-bonbonek-oz.html
Then i would answer to your question...
1. Why i love card making?
I think this is just MY time, a time for relaxion, for creative ideas, a time which is really important for each of us-in different way. My choice is card making :)
2. My favorite motivs are Fjärilslarva and Blomstertjej.
Hug, Anja
Congratulations Anki, I just celebrated my 1000 hits. I've been looking through you blog but it's no wonder that you got so many hits. You'll probably notice a much larger number of hits now everybody has found you. As for you blog candy it is just to delicious! I love the hanglar and stanglar stemps and hate the fact that they can't be ordered from The Netherlands. My favourites from the new set are Cykeltjej and Sittande tjej. And what I love most about cardmaking is the colouring and the fact that I love sending people cards that I've made with them in mind. It's so much more personal. I left a link to your blog here.
Congratulations on your 1000 hits. Your blog is fab. The reason I make cards is that I could never find a card I liked in the cardshops and thought I could do better myself. Now, I love it, I get to have 'me time' left in peace to make a mess then pop up with my little piece of art. I love all the stamps but the 2 I would choose if I had to would be Sittande tjej and Höstflicka. I have added a link to your blog. Debs xx
Congratulations on your hits. I've linked you to my blog.
Choose two - I couldn't, I would be happy with any of them - they are all so delightful. Can't wait for them to come on sale in the UK.
Hugs Heather xxx
WOW cool blog candy!!! Loving your blog also... That is great that you have made so many hits...
You have given me some inspiration with some of the cards you have done and they are so wonderful. I am linking your blog to mine. Take a look sometimes... Have a wonderful evening.
Congrats on 1000 Hits!! Your Blog is great and I am sure you will celebrate MANY more hits! I enjoy cardmaking because it is a way to relax AND Create...2 wonderful things! We don't have the H&S stamps available her, but I looked and LOVE Posttjej(KK) and Hjarteflicka(KK). All are adorable, actually, those just really caught my eye. Thanks so much for the chance to win, and I will link you to my blog!
Rubber Hugs,
Hi Anki! Your blog is fantastic and congrats on your hits--- I WISH, WISH, WISH we could find those stamps here in the US! I'm jealous because they are ALL cute! The hÄnglabyk and Trädgårdsflicka were two I loved, but I really love them all! So cute! Why I love stamping?? How could you NOT love it-- It makes people smile and it's lots of fun!! Thanks and hope you get a ton of hits! Tori
Congrats on your 1000 hits!
Thanks for the chance to win!
I have linked you on my blog!°
Hugs Gisela
Congratulations on those first 1000 hits Anki!
And you're on many more now already :-)
Your cards are really lovely!
What a great candy!
Yes, its not easy to get Hänglar stamps .. not in Germany :-((
My favourits from the new collections are:
hÄngla med halsduk and
I Love stamping because its fun and relaxing for me.
link to my blog and your candy
My friends love to became one of my cards, because it cames from the heart
What a fantastic gift for blog candy! I love all the stamps but would choose KP9603 and KP9604 if I were lucky enough to win. What do I love about cardmaking? Being able to give someone a card that is truly original and also creating little works of art even though I can't draw for toffee!
Sharon x
Wow - what wonderful blog candy! Well my two favourites are the little girl riding her bike and the little girl sitting on a bench.
I love cardmaking because it gives me a break from being a graduate student. I'm working on my PhD and I've found that making cards allows me much needed time to be creative! I also really love giving away my cards and seeing how much people love getting handmade cards! I'll leave a comment and link to your blog candy on my site! Thanks for offering this wonderful candy!
Hi Anki, great candy. Thanks for the chance to win. I post your candy on my blog:
congrats on you 1000 hits, I would love to have any hAnglar stamps and don't mind, just wish we could get them here in Austria. I've always been crafty and couldn´t life without! Cardmaking is great for me!
my link
Congratulations on your hits Anki, you deserve every one of them. Please keep inspiring us with your beautiful work.
I craft because I have a toddler and it keeps me sane!!!
All of the new H&S stamps are beautiful, but I think my favourites are Sittande tjej & Cykeltjej. I've linked to you on my blog, you can see it HERE
Gayle x
hello Anki
Congrats on your 1000 hits
hugs jenni
hello Anki
Congrats on your 1000 hits
Oh this is just wonderful of you! I love cardmaking because when you give a handmade card as a gift, besides the love shown by making it especially for them, it is like giving a real piece of yourself to that person.. and I like this feeling!
Also it keeps me sane! :)
It's hard to decide which are my favourite, but I likes these two:
hÄngla på moln and hÄngel på moln
Thanks so much!! off to link you
Congratulations, you do such beautiful work and I love your blog.
I like the stamps: Gitarrkille and Flicka med vagn. I love card making because I get to use my creativity in a way that helps someone else. I make a lot of cards for www.cardsforheroes.org
I heve posted a comment for your candy, I hope that you received it, cause at that same minute my pc frieked! I NEED to be in!! lol
Congratulations Anki to 1000 Hits. Your Blog is wonderful i come back :-))))....
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely Hanglarstamps.......
Congrats on hits!!
Love your cards, I like card making as there is always new techniques, colours etc to use so I never get bored
I love all the H and A stamps - it would be fantastic to have any !!
Thanks for the chance
Hi The hyper link is here - sorry i forgot earlier
I love these stamps, they are too cute, Cykeltjej and Cykelkille are my faves!
I love card making because its a relaxing way to create something beautiful for those you love.
Congrats on the hits, you have a great blog!
Congratulations on all of your hits!! Thanks for the chance to win some great candy too!! All of the hAnglar stamps are amazing but I would say that my favourites are hÄngla med halsduk and Sittande tjej. What I love about card making is taking the time to do something that I enjoy and can create one of a kind things that I know that other people will enjoy. Once again, thanks so much for the chance to win and I'm off to add a post about your blog candy to my blog.
Here is the link to my post about your blog candy: http://sarahmarmstrong.blogspot.com/2008/09/anki-is-offering-up-some-fantastic-blog.html
Congratulations on all your hits Anki!! All of the H&S stamps are so wonderful but my favorites are Cykeltjej and Cykelkille because they remind me of my son and daughter. The reason why I like cardmaking so much is because I love that I am enjoying creating something to brighten someone elses day. I have put a post on my blog with a link so that others that come and help you celebrate :)
Wow! Well Done Anki! Beautiful Blog Candy; those stamps are fabulous. I've linked to you on my website here
Congratulations on your major number of hits...that is quite an accomplishment!
I like:
I like card making because I have a finite canvas for my art and I am able to finish a masterpiece before I run out of time or energy!
Congrats on the blog hits. Heres to many more milestones to celebrate.
WOW that is alot of hits Anki :) congratulations :)
My favs H&S are
Häxa med kvast and
But to be honest I almost like them all hahahahaa But those 2 one from the halloween en one of the latest Xmas designs are very very cute.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Now I will just go praying that I win;) hahahaha
hugss from Holland
Congratulations - I have to say that my two favorite are Cykeltjej and Cykelkille. they are soo cute on their little bicycles. Now why I love cardmaking so much, I love to see peoples reactions when they receive a handmade creation. Just the joy that it gives them makes me happy too.
I have posted on my blog here.
Thank you for the chance to win.
Oh my goodness, to win a hanglar image would be amazing!!
I love all the stamps from the new release...but I think my favorites are...Sittande tjej and Cykeltjej. The reason I make cards is to give them to my friends who are too special to just receive a store bought card, and because making something beautiful makes me feel good!!
Here is a link to my blog.
Greetings from Denmark. I love Hangla på moln og cykeltjtj/kille. I also love the things you make. And I will visit your blog almost every day. I just found you today
:o). I don`t have a blog but i will tell my friends about you.
Fantastic Candy, there is a link in my sidebar. My two favourites are..... Blomstertjej and
Thanks 4 the chance to win and congrats on all the hits
Lauren xx
Love your blog Anki - this is my first time visiting it ... ans I will be back!!! I have had a look at the stamps...and I am sorry to say...I don't think I can choose - they are all fabulous!! I do love the boy and girl on bikes..but hard to choose. I don't have a blog but hope that doesn't disqualify me...I have emailed the link to your blog to all my friends.
I love card making for the fullfullment it brings, both artistically and with friendships. I only started this year and I love it...each card I make is a labour of love and I hope it brings as much joy to the ne receiving it as it does to me making it...cards are something that can be an expression of love in many ways, lifting a weary heart, bringing birthday joy or just thinking of you...always an expression of love, in so many ways.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this yummy blog candy - I would be thrilled. Linda
Thank you for offering this wonderful blog candy. I like KP9607 & 9608 because you can't get these stamps in my country. I love card making as it helped me through a bad health problem a few years ago and I have stuck with it and enjoy every minute. Hope I win!!! xx
Congrats on your hits! I linked your site to my blog last week and commented here but can't find my comment.
Here is the link: http://riverviewstamper.blogspot.com/2008/09/blog-candy-hanglar-stanglar-stamps.html
Thanks for the great give away! I LOVE LOVE Haglar stamps and have been dying to get some!
Congratulations on all your hits, Anki!!! Your blog is really amazing and I love all your stunning creations!!
Your candy is so generous, thanks for the chance to win ... Love all of the great hÄnglar stamps!!
I´ve linked your great candy
Have a great week :)
Congratulations Anki on your blog success and thank you kindly for the chance to win blog candy. What adorable stamps! I've never seen them before... another to add to the must have list right??? LOL I love card making because it allows me the oppertunity to not only express myself with almost instant gratification for what I've created but also to give a gift of me to someone special. I love Cykeltjej and Cykelkille. What adorable images riding their bicycles. I love them all.
Thanks again for the chance to win. Here is a link to my blog:
Congratulations on 1000 hits! I'm so glad you posted the blog candy, not only because I don't have any of these stamps and would love to win, but your blog is Faulous. I like Gitarrkille and Cykelkille the best. I love to make cards, because it's relaxing and I love the reaction you get when giving someone a handmade card. I posted your blog candy on my blog here:
Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your creativity!!
Hi Anki, I have just found your blog!! What a great candy giveaway!! Yoo too are through to Round 2. I love your card! The colours are great! I also got throiugh to Round 2, so I wish you the very best of luck! It is going to be a tough competition.
I would be happy with any image if I am fortunate enough to be chosen! The 2 you have on your blog are gorgeous.
I will put a link on my blog to yours!
Why I like cardmaking??/ it is ME time , no nappies, no cooking, no cleaning, non ironing...just creating and thinking! I love it.
great blog candy, thanks for the chance to win.
I love to make cards because it`s relaxing and makes me happy.
My favorites stamps are Sittande tjej and Cykeltjej.
I post a link to your candy on my blog
Congratulations on the hits!
Here's my link .
The new stamps are great! My favorites are Höstflicka and Höstpojke.
I love cardmaking because I like to be a little bit creative, I can finish one in a short time (I'm not so patient) and I like to give selfmade cards to my friends and family!
Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
Hi Anki,
what a wonderful blog you have with such gorgeous artwork to admire! Actually I have no blog myself, but I hope I can try my luck nevertheless, as I`m going to tell my friends about your blog.
I love cardmaking because first it`s fun creating and then it`s great to give them away and make someone happy.
Should I be the lucky one I would like the the two kids on the bicycles.
Thanks, Susanne.
Hai Anki,
wauw, you're giving away some nice things, i really adore these stamps, shame i can't order them
my two favorites are hängla med halsduk and cykeltjej.
i guess i like cardmaking just because it gives me a really nice feeling to make somebody happy just by making a card for them. When you don't know wich words to chose often, a card can say it all.
belgian greetings,
Congrats on the hits- and what a fabby blog candy you have here!! Ohhh, it was so hard to choose my two faves, but I'd have to say Blomstertjej and Picknickflicka are mine :)
I have linked you up on my blog candy alerts section, feel free to drop by anytime :)
Hi! Congratulations on 1000 hits! I love these stamps, thanks for the opportunity to get them! If I must choose, I would choose Sittande tjej and hÄngla med halsduk.
I love cardmaking because to create a card is always a little joy for who receive it!
I link your blog candy in my blog: http://justme-alice.blogspot.com/
under the section Blog Candy!
Hope to win ih ih :)
Greetings from Italy,
keep me! keep me!
Oh boy- Hanglars, I wish we could get em here in the US. thanks for sharing with us. I will post you on my blog roll call! Heidi
Congrats on the number of hits. This is an awesome blog candy. I just love these stamps, but am unable to purchase these. I think my favorite ones would have to be the little witch sitting on the crate with pumpkins, and the girl doing the wash. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great stash.
Krista P
Congratulaions for so many People on your blog .
My Favourites are
Tomta med strut
Tomta med flätor
I love to coloring the stamps and i love to make cards .
you have a nice blog and i´m very happy to say hello from Austria .
Have a good time , best greetings from austria
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